I found some extension table leaves of a table that had been long ago given away to a family member or to charity. The leaves were in the back of a seldom used closet and had been forgotten about.
One side of the wood was already finished in a glossy urethane type substance and I thought this would be an easy and quick opportunity to make some utensil holders for the kitchen. That was a false assumption to say the least. Trying to preserve that finish was way more work than it would have been if I had just sanded, planed, re-sawn or used some other method to get the wood ready for glue-up.
The containers ae 10 sided and about 5 inches tall. The wood appears to be maple with a OSB (oriented strand board) backing. I added a small layer of sapele on top with a 45 degree chamfer then a trim of white oak separating the two woods.