
My oldest brother Ken, would have loved these anagrams. These are some of the most clever that I have seen.

DormitoryDirty Room
PresbyterianBest In Prayer
AstronomerMoon Starer
DesperationA Rope Ends It
The EyesThey See
George BushHe Bugs Gore
The Morse CodeHere Comes Dots
Slot MachinesCash Lost In Me
AnimosityIs No Amity
Election ResultsLies Let’s Recount
Mother-In-LawWoman Hitler
Snooze AlarmsAlas No More Z’s
A Decimal PointI’m A Dot In Place
The EarthquakesThat Queer Shake
Eleven Plus TwoTwelve Plus One


I was able to make this 9″ X 9″ trivet from leftover cut-offs of the cutting board that I made late last year. Feels good to use as much as possible the wood you buy. Even if it’s only remnants from other projects.

The woods used are, purple heart, walnut, maple, and mahogany. 

Trivet 9X9
