My son-in-law retrieved an old broken down teak bench that was being discarded due to some broken parts and just being in general disrepair. He asked if I wanted it for the teak wood that was still in good shape except for years of weathering, split wood. Some missing parts, and broken bolts, braces, and screws.
It sat in my side yard for a few weeks as I finished up a couple other projects and pending the purchase of a block of wood to replace some pieces that worn, broken or missing. The local hardwood stores didn’t have teak wood so I opted for a piece of eight-four Sapele as a substitute. As it turned out it wasn’t too bad of a match and after a teakwood oil it blended in OK.
I decided to try and restore the piece to its original shape and design as much as possible rather than re-purpose the wood for something else. I think either way would have been OK for such a nice selection of hardwood.