The box was made of 1/2 inch walnut plywood and purple heart scraps left over from a cutting board I made last year. The dimensions are 8″ wide, 6 1/2″ front to back, and 7″ deep.
The top handle is made from solid walnut and its is finished with clear satin wipe-on poly.
This board was warped and I trimmed it up and put the walnut border around the original pine. I ran it through the thickness planer to make it flat and smooth. After it was all glued together I sanded it thoroughly and added several coats of a combination of beeswax and mineral oil. I realize the grains are opposing each other on the ends but I ‘m hoping the expansion won’t be too much to break the board apart.
This is a redo of the original board because it was run through the dishwasher too many times by one of my family members. I hope it won’t get that treatment this time around.
The folding chairs that I made from a template bought from Jay Bateswas joined by the small table made from recycled wood retrieved from a TV cabinet that was replaced by a newer model. The chairs, a Christmas gift, are made from red oak and actually come completely apart for transportation or storage.
It’s nice seeing things that you make being put to good use, such as these. The photo was taken by my youngest daughter in her backyard.
The bookcase is one of the projects I built from plans and a video created by Steve Ramsey. A shout out to Steve. He got me started in woodworking about 5 years ago. He thoroughly explains procedures in his course offerings and videos. He uses tools that are affordable and doesn’t over think his projects. Sometimes I think he goes a little bit too much on the cheap, but overall I really like his work.
My youngest daughter had an old TV cabinet that she recently replaced with a new, more open, sleeker model and gave me the old one to repurpose the wood as I saw fit. The old cabinet had a lot of wood to it, some was solid wood, some was MDF, and some was OSB.
I knew she needed a small end table for her living room so I selected various parts from the old cabinet and built the table pictured below. It was to replace an existing older table and the dimensions were fairly specific. No more than 16 inches tall and about 15 inches square.
All the wood but the banding around the two shelves came from the original cabinet. The banding was from scrap red oak that I trimmed to 1/4 inch and used a multi-beading bit in my router table to give the profile to the top edge.
The legs were a couple of pieces glued together and then tapered on a quickly put together tapering jig for the table saw. A first time for me using a tapering jig or the multi-beading bit profile.
Made the foot stool for my cousin to rest her leg and foot on well she is recovering from a fall
Cut a semi-circle from Plexiglass and located it in a walnut slot that was routed out on the router table.
The shield helps keep water from the sink from splashing onto the family room couch.
A table that I made about five years ago. A couple of the slats became unglued from being out in the elements. re-glued and Varathaned.
The original glass top was broken. Used my circular cutting jig to cut a circle of walnut plywood as a replacement.
The foot stool above is the first attempt with using any kind of fabric with wood. It is a faux leather that stapled to a piece of thin particle board and glued to the stool.